November 9th, 2024 by

The Halloween masks have been put away and the bonfire embers have been finally extinguished, that can only mean one thing……


This year I have the following offerings, Children’s Christmas Quiz 5, Christmas Names Quiz, Christmas TV Quiz and a thought provoking Christmas Quiz 13. All of these along with all my previous Christmas quizzes can be found HERE.

If you are looking for a Christmas paper round then this year I have created rounds called Christmas Connections, Missing Vowels (Christmas Carols), Christmas Dates (A history round) and for those who enjoy a picture round, I have been busy with my camera to create A Close-up Christmas. All of this year’s offerings as well as all the previous year’s rounds can be found HERE.

I hope you enjoy this year’s selection and wish all my readers a very Happy Christmas and a prosperous New Year and a huge thank-you for supporting my website.

The Big Quiz of 2024 has now been published, you can find it HERE.

November 14th, 2023 by


Christmas comes but once a year but when it does it brings plenty of new quizzes. New this year is another CHILDREN’S CHRISTMAS QUIZ, a brand-new CHRISTMAS MUSIC QUIZ, a multiple choice CHRISTMAS QUIZ and another general knowledge CHRISTMAS QUIZ to get all your heads scratching. As always the quizzes along with all the previous years’ selection can be found HERE.

For those that enjoy a picture quiz, there are two new ones: SPOT THE SANTA from the movies and a selection of CHRISTMAS TV ADS for you see guess the retailers. Two more new paper rounds complete this year’s offering a CHRISTMAS WORD quiz and last but not least CHRISTMAS COOKERY BOOKS where you have to guess the authors. All the Christmas paper rounds are HERE along with all the previous offerings. Hopefully something for everyone!!

A big thank-you to everybody who has visited the site this year and hop that you all have a MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR.

The BIG QUIZ OF 2023 has now been published, you can find it HERE.

August 10th, 2023 by


With the “Barbie” movie breaking all box office records I thought it was time to have some Barbie quizzes, so here we are. Firstly a straight forward quiz to find out what you know about Barbie and her world, that can be found HERE.

For those who like a picture quiz, I’ve created a “What’s Barbie’s Job” picture quiz. Can you name the occupations that the various Barbie dolls have? You can find that HERE.

I hope you enjoy but if you don’t just remember I’M JUST KENSQUIZ!!!

Kensquiz and the Coronation.

April 22nd, 2023 by

I’ve had many requests for quizzes for street parties and other events organised for the Coronation of King Charles III, so I have prepared a couple of new ones which can be found in the SPECIAL OCCASIONS section. In addition I’ve put together a short picture quiz about Royal Residences which can be found HERE. There is also a sheet of ROYAL DINGBATS which I compiled a few years ago for the Diamond Jubilee. I hope you enjoy both the Coronation and the quizzes.

November 21st, 2022 by


It’s that time of year once again when the family get together for their annual Christmas quiz and this year there are FOUR new quizzes for you to enjoy, A Royal Christmas, Christmas Around the World, another Children’s Christmas Quiz and a brand new general Christmas quiz. They can all be found HERE along with all your favourites from previous years.

If you prefer a paper based quiz then you won’t be disappointed as once again there are FOUR new ones for you to try including a 78 answer “12 Days of Christmas” puzzle sheet for all the family. The paper rounds are HERE, together with all previous year’s quizzes.

And for those looking for THE BIG QUIZ OF 2022, It’s now been published and can be found HERE.


November 8th, 2021 by


The clocks have gone back, the fireworks from Bonfire Night have gone quiet and the John Lewis Christmas ad. has had its first airing; this can mean only one thing……It’s time for Christmas Quizzing!!!

All the old favourites from previous years are still there but this year they are joined by quizzes on Christmas Music, Christmas Birthdays, another Children’s Christmas Quiz and a new General Christmas Round. They can all be found in the Christmas Quiz section HERE.

For your paper rounds this year’s selection includes a New Christmas Alpha-Numericals sheet, a Price is Right type quiz where you need to guess the prices of presents in 1975 and two new picture quizzes, one featuring Christmas Drinks and the other Radio and TV Times’ covers from different years. Hopefully something for everyone, you can enjoy them all HERE.

The Big Quiz of 2021 has now been posted. You can find it HERE.

I hope you enjoy and Merry Christmas to you all.

The Home Of The Chocdown Quiz.

April 25th, 2020 by

Welcome to the home of the “Chocdown” quiz.

If you are looking for the chocolate quiz as featured in Richard Osman’s tweet, the Daily Mail, The Sun and BBC Breakfast then you have found the right place. The quiz (and answers) can be found HERE. But why not spend a little time looking around the rest of the site? There are many quizzes here to help you through these trying times so please enjoy, they are all free.

Kensquiz and COVID-19

March 21st, 2020 by

Kensquiz and COVID-19

Feel free to use any of the quizzes from this site in publications or in any other way you feel may help people through these difficult times. I will be updating with new quizzes on a weekly basis for the foreseeable future to give you new material. If you have any suggestions for topics please let me know via the contact page.

Why not set up your own virtual pub quiz using FaceTime or Skype using their group chat facilities and questions from the site? If you’re not sure how to do this here are guides for FaceTime and Skype.

Please enjoy the quizzes but most importantly BE SAFE.

Merry Quizmas Everybody.

November 13th, 2016 by


Now that Halloween has passed and the Bonfires are all extinguished, it’s that time of year where everyone is looking for that special yuletide quiz. Well look no further as here are quizzes to suit all the family on all subjects related to the holiday period.

New for this year in the quizzes section are quizzes on Christmas science, Christmas post and Angels together with an all-new general Christmas quiz. They can be found HERE.

For that special Christmas paper round try the all-new Ken’s Christmas Puzzle sheet and the Missing vowels Christmas number ones. Also new this year are two picture rounds: Favourite Christmas toys and Christmas TV Ads. These can be found HERE.

 I hope you enjoy the quizzes on offer this year and have a Very Merry Christmas.


STOP PRESS……All those waiting for the Big Quiz of the Year you can find it HERE, there’s also a Big Quiz of the Decade …HERE.