Easier General Knowledge 167

Published: Saturday 8th March 2025A free general Knowledge quiz for those who want a less taxing quiz.
  1. The 38th parallel separates which two countries?
  2. According to the nursery rhyme, what was Little Miss Muffet eating?
  3. In Imperial measure how many inches are there in a yard?
  4. Which fruit and nut can be found in a Cadbury's Fruit and Nut chocolate bar?
  5. In a game of chess which is the only piece that can jump over others?
  6. Which historic event took place at Runnymede in 1215?
  7. What name is given to the young of a goat?
  8. Released in 1962 which was the first Bond movie?
  9. In which European capital would you find "The Little Mermaid" statue?
  10. Which letter in the Greek alphabet shares its name with an American airline?
  11. Galatasaray are a football team based in which European country?
  12. In "Peter Pan" what is the name of the leader of the pirates?
  13. Which country shares borders with India and Myanmar?
  14. Who painted "The Rake's Progress"?
  15. In Bingo what number is often referred to as "Two Little Ducks"?
  16. A statue of which King on horseback can be seen outside the Houses of Parliament?
  17. By area which is the smallest of the US States?
  18. In cookery, what country does teriyaki sauce come from?
  19. Which planet is known as the "Blue Planet"?
  20. What was the title of the first "Indiana Jones" films to be released?
Find the ANSWERS HEREEasier General Knowledge 167

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