Other Types
There are many other types of table-top rounds and sometimes the inspiration comes at different times. Below are some the ideas that I have successfully used, they are all available in pdf form to download and use as you like.Please check them before use as some of the answers may be out of date.
I would love to hear from any readers that have tried others as this is always an area that new ideas are welcomed.
- Girls in Songs.
- Flags with Animals – a picture round.
- An “A” in Literature.
- An “A” in History.
- Heroes and their Archenemies.
- Animals in Fiction
- Famous Puppets.
- UEFA EURO 2024 Team badges.
- Old Occupations.
- Where will my luggage go?
- A is for Apple ; A Foodie Alphabet.
- Easter Puzzle Sheet 2024
- African Nations Badges.
- TV Game Show Hosts
- Kings and Queens of the Jungle.
- What’s Barbie’s Job?
- One Hit Wonders.
- What’s The Colour Of………….?
- Previously Known As
- Royal Residences.
- Poetic Lines.
- The Streets of London.
- British Prime Ministers (Pictures).
- Named Airports.
- Sports Clothing Logos.
- Before the Euro.
- Food and Drink Movies.
- First Lines 80’s Hits – 2
- Animal Books
- Watching the Detectives.
- In What Year Platinum Jubilee
- What’s Up Doc?
- Alien Life Forms.
- Battles and Wars
- All About the Bass.
- Scary Movie Villains.
- Fictional Schools.
- The Price is Right – 1971
- Sporting Movies.
- Great British Olympians 2020
- Who Lives Here ?(Picture Quiz)
- City Songs.
- Famous Sporting Venues.
- Fictional TV Towns.
- This Was My Life.
- Country Movies.
- I’m the Drummer in the Band.
- First Lines 80s Hits – 1
- Locked Down or Locked Up 2
- Wildflowers 2 – Another picture round.
- Locked Down or Locked Up.
- Novel Characters.
- Measure for Measure.
- What’s It Called Now?
- Wildflowers 1 – A picture quiz
- 10 Questions 55 Answers-3
- A ‘PAR’ Round.
- First Lines of 70’s Hits
- Ken’s Fruit & Veg Quiz.
- Nicknames of Monarchs.
- Covid Store Cupboard Quiz
- Cryptic Movies 2
- Self Isolation Logo Quiz
- Cool for Cats.
- Ladies First.
- The Themes Bond…
- Ken’s NHS Puzzle Sheet.
- First Lines – Classic Rock
- Out of the Pan.
- Who Died Here?
- Love Songs – First Lines.
- US State Flags (Pictures).
- Plays and Playwrights.
- Cities Around the World.
- Movie Towns.
- Laundry Care Symbols. (Pictures).
- Iconic Album Covers.(Pictures)
- British Food (Picture Quiz)
- Nursery Rhyme Characters.
- An A in Geography.
- An English Country Garden (Pictures)
- Museums Around the World.
- Animal Songs.
- Doctor, Doctor
- First Lines of Romantic Songs.
- US State Nicknames.
- Flags with Stars.
- A Nautical Alphabet.
- An A in Science.
- Famous Nicknames
- It Takes Three.
- Villains in Literature
- Not a Number One.
- 2018 FIFA World Cup Badges
- Who’s The Daddy
- Leading Ladies
- Royal Wedding Puzzle Sheet
- Brand Mascots.
- The END Game
- The EX-Factor
- US State Capitals.
- What a lot of ..Ologies.
- Author’s Initials.
- Autumn Puzzle Sheet
- Famous Dogs.
- Didn’t They Do Well!!
- So Good They Named It Twice.
- Musicians and their Instruments.
- Capital Rivers.
- UK Festivals
- Just the Biscuit
- One Word Number Ones
- TV Towns.
- The Table Quiz
- Food Anagrams
- One Word Number Ones – Names.
- Starting With The Earliest.
- I Love You Around the World.
- Euro Coins (Picture Quiz)
- Sit-Com Characters.
- The Captain of the Ship.
- The Pub Quiz
- Superhero Alter Egos
- Sporting Nicknames.
- Link Names
- Famous Movie Quotes
- Songs from the musicals.
- Social Media Logos (Pictures)
- Ken’s Chocolate Quiz (Pictures)
- Music Puzzle Sheet 1
- Quotations From Shakespeare’s Plays.
- Opening Lines of Fifties Hits.
- Cryptic European Cities.
- Bank and Building Society Logos.
- Who was the Host?
- A City Alphabet.
- Palindromes
- Advertising Slogans
- Who Lives at this Address.
- Before they were married.
- Name the Islands.
- Can you speak American?
- A Horse, A Horse
- Famous Boats and Ships
- Famous Irishmen
- City Nicknames
- Children’s TV Characters
- What Comes Next
- The Beginning of the End
- Men Only / Female Forms
- Nothing to be Afraid of Here
- Missing Vowels
- Leading Ladies
- Linkwords
- Cryptic Resorts
- Big, Bigger, Biggest
- Opening Lines of Songs
- Famous Foursomes
- Initial Letters
- Homophones
- Where in the UK?
- The Other Half
- That’s Not My Name
- Ten Questions 55 Answers
- Shipping Forecast
- Second Best
- Odd One Out
- Name the Meals
- Inventors and their inventions.
- Advertising Slogans
- A or B
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