Easier General Knowledge 163 - Answers

Published: Thursday 22nd August 2024A free general knowledge quiz for those who don't like their quizzes too difficult.
  1. After which explorer is Venice airport named? Marco Polo.
  2. In the "Star Wars" series of films what is the name of Han Solo's Wookie co-pilot? Chewbacca.
  3. In scientific terms what does DNA stand for? Deoxyribonucleic acid.
  4. What is the name of Miley Cyrus's father? Billy Ray Cyrus.
  5. On which Caribbean island can you find Montego Bay and the Blue Mountains? Jamaica.
  6. What nut does a "frangipane" filling contain? Almonds,
  7. Which English Premier League team is nicknamed "The Red Devils"? Manchester United.
  8. Which American playwright was Marilyn Monroe's second husband? Arthur Miller.
  9. How many feet are there in a fathom? Six
  10. Who plays the Prime Minister in the movie "Love Actually"? Hugh Grant.
  11. How many colours are there in a rainbow? Seven.
  12. The Statue of Liberty was a gift to the USA from which country? France.
  13. On a standard dartboard, which number lies between 9 and 11? 14
  14. In which children's book did a spider called Charlotte and a pig called Wilbur appear? Charlotte's Web.
  15. Tulip flowers are normally associated with which European country? The Netherlands.
  16. Who collaborated with Karl Marx to produce The Communist Manifesto? Friedrich Engels.
  17. A silver medal is traditionally awarded for which place in a race or competition? Second.
  18. Who replaced Pope Benedict XVI in 2013? Pope Francis.
  19. What is the name of the highest mountain in Canada? Mount Logan.
  20. In which country were the "Lord of the Rings" movies filmed? New Zealand.

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